Saturday, October 8, 2022


Thank God it does not belong to anyone
in this family.  My sun-in-law rented it 
for a business trip.

Is my contempt for the model or the 
brand.?  No.  I did look at the brand,
but have now forgotten what it is.

It is this kind of thing.
I was sitting here at the kitchen table
when I heard a "beep" and the tail gate
went up all by it' self.  There was 
no-one around.

I checked with him.  Did he want the
tail gate up?  He did not even know it
was up.  He had the remote in his pocket
and had accidentally "butt dialed" the car
and the tail gate went up.

That was last night.
Today I happened to look out the window
and the back door was opening all by it's
self.  Yes, he was there with an arm load
of stuff.

Why does that concern me?
I was an auto technician at an automobile 
agency for over one forth of a century.  One
of the things I learned that hard way is that
all of those accessories and convinces break
down and somebody had to fix them.  In fact,
a very high percentage of our repair work was
on accessories, not on things that make the 
car go.

If you buy a car with a lot of accessories 
and convinces they will give you trouble.
If you want more trips to the shop to fix
things, buy lots of convinces to impress 
people with.


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