Saturday, May 14, 2022


Many years before I moved here to Arkansas
a man who had been a "boot legger" in this area
in the 1920's or so, told me that Arkansas was
built on a rock.  Boy did he know what he was
talking about.

Those rocks in the truck are what I took out of
the area of the old chicken pen I mentioned the
other week, so we could mow it.  These of course
were only the surface rocks.  When putting in pipe
lines for water some rocks as big as a wheel 
borrow were dug up.

Down the road about a quarter of a mile I used
to hike in the woods some.  There are some rocks
there the size of an old VW beetle.

But all is not that bad.  The area of woods that
I own for a hide-away in the adjoining county
is like a pipe of rocks.  But, thus far I have not
found but one rock that I could not pick up with
one hand there.

One place king David said;
"For he will conceal me there
when troubles come;
he will hide me in his sanctuary.
He will place me out of reach
on a high rock."
(Psalms 27:5 NLT)

O.K.  So God did not put me on a 
high rock.  But he sure put me on 
a pile of rocks.


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