Saturday, November 3, 2018


Sorry for such poor pictures.  But I was not prepared
to snap a picture of this guy/him/her/it.  And even worse
I am not near as stable with a camera anymore.  But 
when looking out the kitchen window, there it was.

Take note of the blooms on some kind of plant or other
that the wife "had" there.  This ground hog has been
 around for a while now and is so fat that it can hardly 

The bird feeder is just outside of the window which
 means that some bird seed lands on the ground.  But it 
likes the wife's plants in particular.  The blooms nor the 
plants are there any more because the ground hog ate 
them.  Consequently the ground hog is not around
 anymore.   However I did see it down the road the
 other day near the neighbor's house.

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