Saturday, November 10, 2018




You no doubt have seen the adds too.
"New life for old computers".

Really, I have no complaint.  But when I
saw the add I was tempted.  I have several
old computers laying around and to be able
to put new life into them with just a little 
flash drive.  Amazing, I want one.  Why
even my newer computers could use a new
burst of energy.

There was only one problem.  My
computers were too old.  What they meant 
by old was late model to me.  I do not 
remember seeing what operating systems
this new burst of energy would work with
in the ad.  And apparently my old computers
are "pre-historic".  So, now what.

Well, the sound system on the computer
I had my music in went bad.  So, I turned
the little OLD computer in the picture above
into my new sound system.  It now has 
eleven hours of the kind of music I like
- Not what you like - down loaded into it.
The gadget I bought might not have worked
for me.  But I thank God that it made me
do something with that old computer that
is a real blessing to me.

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