Sunday, March 18, 2012



Even a grandpa and grandma need a vacation.
That of course is time to "poke around" some place out of the rut.

We have pets. "Granny" has a cat, dog and even wanted
chickens. I'm down to one rabbit.
The beautiful part about pets is,
they need care, CONSTANT care.

So someone had to stay home and take care of
the critters.

Guess who?????

that thing below is what granny used to
poke around on while I stayed close to the house.

Granny "Poked Around" on that thing in;
Miami, Cancun, Belize, Honduras and Grand Cayman.

The thing below is what grandpa poked around on.

Hey, that's the way life is.

Grandpa poked around in Washington and Madison counties.

But the critters got fed.

This is one of the places that granny poked around.

And this, of course, is where grandpa poked around.

I have no idea what this stuff is. But that is the kind of stuff that
granny found while she was "poking around".

And this is the kind of stuff that grandpa found while he was
"poking around"

That's just the way life is.

At least I found a couple of good pieces of pipe and that
old microwave oven. (Already made something out
of the oven.)

Am I complaining?
Not on your life.  The Scriptures say,
"A man can inherit a house and money
from his parents,
but only the Lord can give him a sensible wife."
-Proverbs 19:14 (GNB)

And God gave me a dandy wife.
Love that woman.

Ladies are first you know.

But that's the way life is.

You know how men love to go shopping with their wives!

I did not have to wait outside of one store while she shopped.

Isn't God good?

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