Saturday, August 27, 2022



I just started to go out the back door
when I heard that one hit.  Of course
I did not know where it hit, but when
it hit with no warning I knew it was 

It was a few days before I spotted it.
It was about sixty feet from the house.
But, it was across the fence in the 
neighbors field.  I did not have to worry
about cleaning it up, he did.

I have lived on this property for about
fifty years.  We are near the top of a hill
which may make the difference.  But 
there has been lighting strikes at least
two other places on the property in the
time I have lived here.

When I consider these lighting
strikes over the years, I realize that
all three of them have been within
a radius of about one hundred feet.
And, I an sitting in the new house
almost over where one of those 
strikes was.  Perhaps I should go 
down to where the old house was 
and pitch a tent there.


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